viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

He is Vannak

On the banks of the Mekong, in a province besides Phnom Penh, lives Vannak, a shy Cambodian boy who is fond of reading and who hides behind his seriousness a pretty smile.

When "Twelve" began to be developed, this country was right away considered because Juan Carlos worked in Denmark with Dara, a Cambodian man who received us and helped us to find the twelve years old boy for the project.
One day we received a phone call in which Dara told us that the next day he would pick us up to go and to do the interview. To our surprise he knew no specific child, rather had the idea of finding a child, any twelve years old child. So we arrived to a place and he went randomly asking local families who had a twelve years old child and thusfound Vannak.

The boy and his family immediately accepted, so we recorded the interview in which Dara helped us to translate Vannaks’ words from Khmer to English, and so Vannak is now the eighth character in "Twelve".

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