Arriving at Hong Kong one feels that it is China but no really, that is, is actually a special administrative region of China and one of the most important financial centers of Asia and the world, however it has an administrative and judicial system independent from mainland China, in a nutshell is China but decaffeinated.
Lights and sound show. (Image by Juan Carlos)
Our journey is filled with feelings of constant ambivalence. On the one hand we expected an encounter with one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and then our romantic idealization of the country was faced with the new China everyone speaks about, the overflowing development and growing economy. Countless unpronounceable cities growing vertically and horizontally out of proportion. Efficient urban infrastructure that maintain, protect and move people from one place to another around cities and country. However, in our journey the absence of rivers of bicycles is felt, they are gone because economic development have left them, along with some other customs, buried under the dust of oblivion.
Rickshaw (Image by Juan Carlos)
Terracota warriors (Image by Juan Carlos)
The food is not only Chow Mein and Chop Suey (infinitely much more). There are great varieties of flavors produced from combinations of species and types of meat. Although we are vegetarians, a visit to local markets reveals the diversity of animals that are consumed in this country, from the traditional pork and fish, to exotic animals such as scorpions, turtles, snakes and even though we did not see it, is well known that also dogs and cats are consumed. But what is certainly wonderful is to try all possible combinations of vegetables and spices, but for that one indeed needs to be prepared and measured because the amount of oil used for everything is a heart risk and high probability of gaining weight as well.
Noodles making (Image by Juan Carlos)
On the other hand, politically wise, is interesting to see how free market policies go hand in hand with high levels of censorship, to the extent that some words can not be said in public plus the creation of "the new Great Wall," referring to censorship and control that the government has over the internet. However, you can not fail to recognize that in the sixty years that the Communist Party has been in power, with all the corruption, nepotism and repression they have, a miracle in this country has been made, because when one delves into the history of the country, it is surprising to see that over those years a leap have taken place from famine to be the second largest economy and biggest exporter in the world. However, you feel the social discontent, the country is like a pressure cooker; there are many educated people to keep subjugated in the Internet age. Some whisper that this is going to explode ... soon.
Mao's hand (Image by Juan Carlos)
Because, at shopping malls and restaurants, it seems that there are as many employees, trained in military style, as clients. Perhaps this strict regime is how to sustain such a populous country like this and as we do understand from Susu (one of our hosts) on the Chinese people is intrinsic the tradition of obedience and order. And yes, one can tell that in the people's mindset the idea that they are the next world power is set and so they are preparing for that, work for that and start living for that ... And as people are concerned, the individual, one finds everything, if you consider that 1 in every 5 people in the world is Chinese, makes it clear that one can find everything. There is the Chinese who wants to hold to money and does not skimp on details to do so, there is thee scholar who seriously questions the system in which they live and the direction they go. There is the romantic Chinese who wants to fight for their country to be the leading world power. The poor beggar on the street, the corrupt, the honest, the cheater, the worker, the old man, the philosopher, artist and the bohemian who feels the nostalgia of a legend. On several levels of interaction we met the daily Chinese, the one who has a family and maintains strong ties and respect with them. Since we were visiting former Juan Carlos´ students, we realized that they have a great sense of hospitality to visitors and plus the respect they have for teachers, then we often received a dedicated and generous attention at all times, which made this trip full of flavors, colors and which also offered deep reflections from China to the world and from the world to China.